Monday, September 23, 2013

Family email!

Hola Familia!
It was another good week here in Memphis! First off I had the best birthday last Tuesday. My companions made me a cake and the lady we live with bought us dinner. (From a place like PF Changs) We were also able to teach a lot of lessons that day and had a lot of success!
On Wednesday I went on Exchanges. I went down to Mississippi to a place called "Horn Lake" Its about 1 hour south of where I live. We switched with the other 3 Spanish sisters. So my trainer and their trainer came up here and then me and my other companion went down there and we split into 2 companionships. We were able to meet and talk to a lot of people. I love talking to people. Its the greatest. We met one man named Mac. We met him in a trailer park around 830pm. It was dark and we were just waiting for the other sisters to get out of their lesson and then we were going to drive home together. My companion and I had passed Mac 2 different times earlier in the evening and just said hi as we were going opposite directions. However, while we were waiting for our ride he kept going back and forth in his wheelchair near us. Finally we started talking to him and it was so cool. His mom lives in Idaho and is Mormon. She has been trying for years to get him to read the Book of Mormon or to take lessons from the missionaries. He said he has been to 10-15 different churches down here and hasn’t found one he likes. We invited him to come to church on Sunday, and he said he would have to get out the iron and find some of his nice clothes but that he would be there. We were also able to give him all of the lesson pamphlets we had in Spanish and he said he was going to take it to his neighbor who speaks Spanish and his neighbor would help him read them. He was so cool! 
On Saturday we went to a relief society activity for our branch. We played the game "jeopardy". My companions and I are the ones that made up all the questions for it. I was surprised by how many people did not know how to play that game. I had to help explain the rules and direct the game. 
It was an awesome week. I love it here! The weather is starting to cool down. 
Today, we are going fishing on the lake that is right by our house. 
Quote for the week: Don't rationalize away future happiness by taking shortcuts. Seemingly insignificant indiscretions or neglect can lead to big problems. More importantly simple, consistent, good habits lead to a big life of bountiful blessings.
We can all apply this to any aspect of life. 
Hope ya'll have a wonderful week!
Hermana Warner

Monday, September 16, 2013

Hello from Memphis!

It was another great week here in Memphis.
First off we went to a Shave Ice place that is super famous here in Memphis. Everyone has been telling us to go there. It was so good... we went again. We met an awesome guy there while in line, and now he is being taught by the english Elders.
We did a lot of service this week for a family that is moving. We cleaned both her old and new kitchen. One day we did it for 5 hours straight and then the next day 2. It was a lot of work, but a good chance to practice our language.
We met a solid family this last week and have taught them 2 lessons now. We are going again tonight. They are up here from Mexico, just temporarly, but are a super sweet family.

On Thursday night as we were coming home from English class we were stopped but a billion cop cars who were doing a drug test in the middle of the road. The lady we were with explained that they do these every so often. Every car on the road has to go through and cops check their car. Ive never seen so many cop cars all in one place it my life. It was pretty cool for me, However, one of my companions is very afraid of cops and so she started to panic.
I was able to go to the Memphis Temple today. That was awesome. It reminded me a lot of Louiville Kentucky Temple. Super small but very pretty.
Well, that was my week, Thanks for all of the birthday wishes. I think my companions and I are going to make a cake tomorrow during lunch to celebrate!
Hermana Warner
Quote for the week, "Humility recognizes that no one can change someone else, but with faith, effort, and the help of God, we can undergo our own mighty change of heart." -Elder L. Whitney Clayton

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Hola Family

We don’t have much time today so I’m going to be quick!
1. This week we did a lot of "spiritual harvesting" as we call it. (Knocking on doors) As we open this area we are just trying to find people to teach and to have lessons.
2. We teach an English class every Tuesday and Thursday. I really enjoy it because it helps us work on our Spanish!
3. Funny Story: We were biking through a neighborhood and one of my companions wanted to take a picture with this car parked in front of a house, on the grass. My other companion said "No, I’m not taking that picture. I don’t want to get shot." As soon as she said that we heard a gun shot and sure enough there is a guy 2 houses down in his side yard loading his shot gun (I had no idea what kind of gun it was, but my comps identified it as a shot gun... not like it really matters though) He was just shooting at a target. It was so funny. Perfect Timing!
4. BIKE WEEK is over to say the least. I loved it! It was hot and we were always sweating, but it was so entertaining. One of my comps (Sister Johnson) had so many problems with her bike. One day it fell and then the tire wouldn’t move. (We learned how to fix that problem real quick because it happened 3 other times) And every time she would go up on the sidewalk she would fall because she didn’t take it at an angle. Then her back brakes went out. She could only use her front brakes. Thing after thing happened where luckily she was never hurt but so funny. Then Saturday night when we had about 2 hours left, we were going down a hill in a neighborhood, we were side by side and our other companion was up ahead a ways. All of a sudden she puts on her breaks and flies over her bike and the bike falls onto her. I jump off my bike quickly. Luckily, she was fine but had a lot of scraps, bruises on her legs, arms, shoulders, and hands. It was pretty scary, but all we could do is laugh. 
5. Lastly, random facts: we saw a raccoon in our neighborhood today. I never thought id says this but I had shrimp and cod fish this week. I actually enjoyed it too. 
Hope ya'll have a wonderful week

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Whats up from Memphis!

I arrived safely in Arkansas last Tuesday and we had a wonderful dinner and testimony meeting in the Mission Home. Then Wednesday we went to transfers and then drove 2 1/2 hours to Memphis Tennessee and had transfer meeting again here. I have 2 companions. One got into the field in June and is just waiting for her visa to go to Argentina. The other sister got here in July. We live with the sweetest lady. For her work she is an interpreter and that's super helpful because she helps us with our Spanish. We are opening up this area in Memphis so mainly this week we have just been trying to find people to teach. We found a few people to teach and then had return appointments with them for last Saturday. However, we were over miles on our car so we had to start our bike week early and bike Saturday. Unfortunately these appointments were apparently in a "not so safe" area on bike and so we were not allowed to go. We had to give all our appointments to the Elders. We learned today that actually half of the people we were going to teach are in what is called the "triangle" where we are highly advised to stay away from.. even in cars... i guess it's to keep us safe. Therefore, we are learning our ways around this new area fairly quick and are trying to stay as safe as possible. Yes, Its bike week. I love it. However, I have never gotten so sweaty so fast in my life. With the humidity and it being about 100 degrees it only takes about 3 minutes for us to look just terrible. I think it's helping us get into doors though because they look at us and then welcome us to come in and go and get us cold water bottles! wahoo! The average weight gain in this mission is 40 pounds. However my clothes only allow for about 10 so I'm hoping i can bring down that average a little bit.

Life is great! That's it for the week.

Hope you all have a wonderful week!


Hermana Ashleigh Warner
2562 Country Trail
Memphis, TN. 38133